Monday, May 9, 2011


Mommy Moment #1132: When I was at the grocery store this past Saturday buying diapers, the cashier looked down at my purchase of Huggies and wished me a Happy Mother's Day. It felt so odd to be recognized as a mother for the first time, but it also felt so great!

This past Sunday was the first time that I had the privilege to be celebrated as a mother on Mother's Day. It was such a wonderful feeling. Josh built me a flower box for our single open-able window so I can grow some fresh herbs for cooking. Bryant and I napped together, it was a quiet and perfect day. I couldn't ask for a better family.

Now that I am a mom, I have an even greater appreciation for all of the mothers in my life. I was blessed to have so many female mentors to teach me and guide me and make me the woman I am today. My mother, my step mother, both of my grandmothers, countless aunts, but one lady in particular I always looked up to was my late great-grandmother. Lonnie Bell Isom was one of the strongest, sweetest, caring, honest, loving, concerned, and nurturing mothers I have ever known.

While my mother and my father worked, my grandmomma would keep me and my brother and sister. I can't remember a time in my childhood without her. Her and my grandaddy would bicker back and forth, he would send us outside to pick the pine cones up out of the yard and she would bring us some gloves because those pricks were gonna hurt our little hands. We never left her home empty handed, she would buy kit kat bars, fruit, pudding packs, and anything else our heart desired so we could pack our treats in a brown paper bag to take home with us. I miss her so much. We would sit and watch tv with her, she liked watching soap operas. She would tell me stories of her grandmother, her children, her courtin' days, her daddy...she had a way of telling stories that always kept me intrigued. Grandmomma always adored her roses, they were her pride and joy. She never raised her voice at us, not a single time, she didn't have to. She was a lady that got respect without having to ask for it. I hope to be like her, if I can be just a shadow of the lady that Lonnie Bell was, I will be doing good. I miss my grandmomma so much, but I am glad I had her around as long as I did.